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Sqlite Db Copy

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This plugin does something



  1. Install the Cordova and Ionic Native plugins:
    $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dbcopy
    $ npm install --save @ionic-native/sqlite-db-copy@4
  2. Add this plugin to your app's module

Supported platforms


import { SqliteDbCopy } from '@ionic-native/sqlite-db-copy';

constructor(private sqliteDbCopy: SqliteDbCopy) { }


this.sqliteDbCopy.copy('sample.db', 0)
  .then((res: any) => console.log(res))
  .catch((error: any) => console.error(error));

Instance Members

copy(dbname, location)

Copy database from www directory to device SQLite DB location (for ios only, use 0 for Android) location = 0; // (Disable iCloud Backup) If set will copy the database to Library/LocalDatabase. The database will not be synced by the iCloud Backup. or location = 1; // If set will copy the database to Library folder instead of Documents folder. or location = 2; // It will copy the database in the default SQLite Database directory. This is the default location for database

Param Type Details
dbname string

Database file name available in www diretory with extension.The plugin will look for and copy the file according to the filename provided here. And the same file name should be used while opening the database via SQLitePlugin

location number

Location where to copy the database for app (only applicable for ios).For Android pass 0.

Returns: Promise<any> Returns a promise that resolves when something happens

checkDbOnStorage(dbname, source)

Check if database is available at external storage. Useful when trying to copying the database from device sdcard.

Param Type Details
dbname string

Name of the database file which is available on external or intenral storage

source string

Full native path for the folder in which db file is present. The "/" must be added at the end of path. /sdcard/mydb/. Should not include dbname.

Returns: Promise<any>

copyDbFromStorage(dbname, location, source, deleteolddb)

Copy database which is available on the device external/internal storage to app default db location (for ios only, use 0 for Android) location = 0; // (Disable iCloud Backup) If set will copy the database to Library/LocalDatabase. The database will not be synced by the iCloud Backup. or location = 1; // If set will copy the database to Library folder instead of Documents folder. or location = 2; // It will copy the database in the default SQLite Database directory. This is the default location for database

Param Type Details
dbname string

Is the name of the database you want to copy. The plugin will look for and copy the file according to the filename provided here. And the same file name should be used while opening the database via SQLitePlugin

location number

Location where to copy the database for app (only applicable for ios). For Android pass 0.

source string

Source File location like /sdcard/mydb/db.db. Please provide a valid existing location and the dbname should be present in the path.

deleteolddb boolean

A boolean value if set to true, will delete the existing db from the local app database folder before copying the new db. Please provide proper boolean value true or false;

Returns: Promise<any>

copyDbToStorage(dbname, location, destination, overwrite)

Copy the app database to external/internal storage on the device. (for ios only, use 0 for Android) location = 0; //It will copy the database from Library/LocalDatabase location. or location = 1; // It will copy the database from Library folder instead. or location = 2; // It will copy the database from the default SQLite Database directory. This is the default location for database

Param Type Details
dbname string

Is the name of the database you want to copy. The plugin will look for and copy the file according to the filename provided here. And the same file name should be used while opening the database via SQLitePlugin.

location number

Location where to copy the database for app (only applicable for ios). For Android pass 0.

destination string

Destination File location like /sdcard/mydb/ Please provide a valid existing location and "/" should be present at the end of the path. Do not append db name in the path.

overwrite boolean

If set to true, then will replace the file at the destination. Otherwise will throw an error, if destination file already exists.

Returns: Promise<any>

remove(dbname, location)

This method allows you to remove the database from the apps default database storage location. (for ios only, use 0 for Android) location = 0; // (Disable iCloud Backup) If set will copy the database to Library/LocalDatabase. The database will not be synced by the iCloud Backup. or location = 1; // If set will copy the database to Library folder instead of Documents folder. or location = 2; // It will copy the database in the default SQLite Database directory. This is the default location for database

Param Type Details
dbname string

Is the name of the database you want to remove. If the database file is having any extension, please provide that also.

location number

Location where to copy the database for app (only applicable for ios).For Android pass 0.

Returns: Promise<any>


